Monday, November 2, 2009

Pets pets pets

We've all got them. Mine are a 8yr old Georgian Grande gelding with paint coloring named Japan's Jaded Diamond who I got on Friday October 13th, 2006.

My 2 Akita's Kai and Kamiko live with my daddy. Kai is pictured here.

Our dog Bootz is a German Shepherd/Black Lab mix. We got him when my uncle was renovating Dr.Ben Carson's house and their dogs had a litter of puppies. He's cute as a button!

I love my pets. They help keep me relaxed and don't irk me near as much as most people do!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Adult film...

would any of you ever do it?
do you look down on those who do do it?
is it ok for men, but not for women?

lots of questions.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

been a brick

ima get bak into it i promise

Monday, September 28, 2009

At work

lol children are all crazy!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Haha my new twitter profile pic.

fyi thats the number 0 not a O.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


my show was a TOTAL and utter disaster.
Diamond was calm then hyped up again.
Then before my dressage test he KIRKED. totally lost it.
I think a bee stung him,
cause my mom got stung and had to leave early that day.
It was tragic
I cried
i dont think id ever been so scared on his back before.

and anyway on another not
i started school last night
ima be a vet assistant on December 12, 2009.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


On sale for $80-||
i really love the sims 3
 here are some screen shots from my game.

if you dont own it you should!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Which to choose, help me!


Im kinda annoyed. Im working with my cousin with her child care thingy out of the home. She pays me little to nothing and wants me to like fucking do everything. Its hard and annoying cause i hate children.
oh well Dressage lesson tonight with Mary Russell, hopefully Diamond will be good.

More in a bit...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


crazy lately.
i fear i wont find anyone to spend the best years of my life with!
like what to do?


anyway the pic is from yesterday schooling diamond at frying pan park in va. he did well except jumped one jump then wouldnt jump it again.
mostly my fault :/

oh well.



more later...